Tuesday, 22 May 2012

almost 1

"special qualities from her dad ;)

Among us ladies and gentlemen is a little girl. Still my baby (always my baby) but now Miss Delilah is becoming more human i dare say. She takes every little detail in her sights and processes it all with so much thought just watching her is a marvel. When i speak, i mouth my words more clearly and casually sing the alphabet when ever i feel the need to because i know she is listening and learning. Children are such a miraculous discovery and i am honestly amazed to find the words to describe how it makes me feel.

I am a proud mother  she lightens my day. At the moment we are about a month away from the big ONE! and all i can think about are bloody cake decorations, i mean the cake that i am going to make will be a spectacle and there will be icing flowers i can assure you. (also maybe contemplating rice paper cut outs and eatable glitter. but whatev.) 

Did you know that at almost 12 months of age we are now almost walking, we eat spaghetti (the curly kind) with meat and tomato! we can have chunks and yum crackers. She laughs when i laugh and thinks drumming my head is the best instrument in the house, she can eat with her hands and loves to read! This morning i could hear her wake up and start to babble and talk and laugh at herself - which is slightly un usual because she usually just yells at me.- so i wonder in quietly and she is lying down with a book in her hands reading out loud. 

She is most certainly growing into a beautiful little girl and although i miss her tiny state i am almost enjoying this part of her life the most.

yes. that is her foot.. im thinking ballerina?

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

give me a good reason

Lately I have been thinking to myself at the end of the year what are the things that i want out of the weight loss. Is there anything that i truly want or strive for? So i came up with a few things, they are simple things. Probably a little silly but hey! whats life without some sort of silly? Well here a few things i want in life..

expensive jeans

In my eyes that is my ideal size.

3.flat tummy

here are only 3, i know there will be more but these simple ones are some what the most important to me right now. 

I guess the main reason for something like this is to have a final product of all the hard work I am doing!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

baby blues

There are only a few small things that make parenting hard and a little bit useless in their own right. Teeth. Just like a contagious disease they pop out of no where and then spread not 1 by one but at the moment 4 at the same time and it is so horrible. Not only for me being cried at but for my little angel who is so beautiful and little, who has no idea why her mouth is so sore!   It is certainly the strongest of challenges so far.

The truth - is and I really have to allow myself to admit this- being a mummy is challenging sometimes! I just hope that they all come threw quickly and give me and my baby a long awaited break.

Yesterday was sunshine and warm so we were lucky to go outside and take advantage of the beautiful weather and (secretly tire miss Delilah out so she would sleep well) and get a bit of Vitamin D which i find so important to have, the benefits are much more visible on a baby im sure. But today is raining and cold so inside we must stay. What mischief can we get up to today? well we have already messed the play room (before 9am) so i am ticking that as a successful play time!

Did you no that when Delilah was born her daddy decided to buy her a Ukulele and much to my surprise she takes her delicate little fingers and strums the strings, genius? yes i think so.

I just think sometimes as a parent we are aloud to be honest with ourselves and others and admit it can be hard and absolutely exhausting. It can be annoying and rude and disrespectful of my needs when i am tired but we are human and so is that little girl and i love her. She is human and expressing herself in the most honest way i ever thought possible of witnessing.

This is just me collecting my thoughts and readdressing the past couple of weeks.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Consciously Healthy

I was casually going through some blogs and i came across this blog (Life's Shiny Pretty Things) that had mentioned a 30 day challenge of any sorts and it got me thinking. What can i achieve in 30 days? And although it technically hasn't been exactly 30 days i am 8 days strong into my Consciously Healthy Eating challenge. What does that really mean to me?

Well since having beautiful Delilah i have been noticeably more conscious of my weight and healthy eating. I packed on a little and have already given myself a year to lose 10kgs which is going well i think. I just really wanted to do something extra. So what is it?? Well it is pretty simple really. No white carbs. 

Now i love food, don't get me wrong but! i also know pasta, rice, bread and potato's are heavy in carbohydrates. My main goal was to find an alternative way to eat the foods i love without all those things i mentioned before... 

Breaking down the basics for breakfast: Eggs! 2 Large eggs either scrambled or omlet. i experiment with spices and different veggies other wise it is boring. With lunch its easy salad with a piece of fruit. 

Dinner is my favorite and can i just say the adventure you take yourself with this is so surprising. Take a stir fry for example you assume that noodles or rice is the perfect accompany But all i did was replace those 2 things with a lettuce cup. So simple. and so delicious!  

you will need: lettuce leaves, cucmber, bok choy, red capsicum, beef (or chicken) and an onion

saucy?: soy sauce, fish sauce, garlic and black pepper

boil water in a sauce pan and cook bok choy (it wont take long)

simply add the ingredients then all the sauce and stir until all is covered.

place in a lettuce cup and enjoy!

(a fantastic thing about fish sauce is that you don't need to add any salt.)

Saturday, 28 April 2012

spreading a smile

smile though you're heart is breaking.
i just really want to post a little message out there to smile! lately i go to the shop and i look around and smile at passing strangers or say thank you for moving out the way of the pram when i have no where to go and I am finding no one smiles back or says a quick welcome. I just feel at the moment the atmosphere is in individual pockets around individual people, im just sad and maybe i have no place to say this but i am going to.

what can you do? 

lift your head up! you are stunning and with a smile on your face you are encouraging a tiny glimmer of trust in a community.

thanks! just say thank you to people for small things. appreciate their existence! 

Be aware of your space - yes i think we should be a tighter nit unit as a society but being kind and open also means being aware of other peoples space and your own! 

Stay positive - life  is not so bad. Don't dwell on the small things if someone makes a mistake let it go. It is ok that they made a mistake because we are human. 

chivalry doesn't have to die. Offer your help if you can when someone needs it.

Let's make a pact to do 1 nice thing for a stranger everyday and make the world a bit brighter. PLEASE! i am sick of people hanging their heads. 


Thursday, 19 April 2012

bringing in the meat

As i was researching how to introduce meat into my babies diet i stumbled across this website that explained the benefits and added a few ideas on how to cook it. So it got me seriously thinking of easy ways to make flavorful food that is healthy and nutritious for my little girl, here is something i made:

i didn't take photos because it was a spare of the moment kind of thing and i have to admit the end result doesnt look very nice but it does taste good.

what you need?

slow cooker.
fry pan (obviously)

  • nice piece of stake sliced and diced
  • coli-flower
  • carrots peeled and finely sliced
  • butternut pumpkin diced
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

so brown the beef until no pink is visible. chuck it in the slow cooker with 1 cup of water 
blanch the vegetables till they are soft then add them to slow cooker along with cinnamon.
put lid on. stir every now and again.

It should take about 4 hours but the idea of making baby food in the slow cooker is that you can actually use those 4 hours and do other things. handy? yes i think so.

once that time is up check to see if the meat is really tender. blend it until its almost powdery then stir in the super soft veggies and serve warm. My daughter is 10 months with 2 and a half teeth so she is at the stage where lumps are ok but if your baby isn't at that stage simply blend everything up together.

handy tip: when freezing your babies food place it in ice-cube trays. It is easy to get out and you have proportion control.

handy fact:  smelling cinnamon boosts cognitive function and memory.
cinnamon is also a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.

Always try things one at a time and give it atleast 4 days to see if any allergic reaction occurs. If you try one at a time and an allergic reaction does happen its easier to explain to the doctor. 

oh what a beautiful day

Here we are after many months absent i have to admit i have been a little busy running after my crawling, almost talking all singing little girl  baby girl..

Imagine it like those amazing weeks that just end as fast as they started but with a glimmer of awe and a small shimmer of sadness. How time flies when you're having fun.

10 months does wonders to a human being especially when this human was born at 6 pound 4 ounces with a fine chance of surviving the grand entrance. Since then we have grown together and learnt a lot. I have found strengths in me i never knew i had, patience and awareness have all taken a grasp to my senses. I am grounded.

It is safe to say my little monster is hilarious and i am Happy to announce "mummy" is now in her vocabulary - thanks baby!. She eats everything including :

broccoli, sweet potato, pumpkin, pea's and corn. We are just starting to slowly give her pieces to chew and all these wonderful achievements she is making are frequent and glorious. (i did almost shed a tear when she picked up some banana and put it to her mouth all on her own. just between you and i)

did i miss any?

can i eated this leaf?

Monday, 6 February 2012

when life gives you lemons

When life gives you lemon's sometimes you just have to wait for the sting of the sour to settle before you move on to the salt! I am having one of those sour patches where all i want to do is sit, feel sorry for myself and eat some ice-cream.. being some one who has just declared a weight loss challenge and was heading to a fabulous start, it doesnt make any sense to me why all of a sudden i can't find the strength to do it..

I have decided that tonight i am getting up and going for my walk anyway but i promise you i am at an argument with my body and brain. I know it will be a challenge getting up!

Does anyone have any advice for motivation i.e: quotes, things you do or say that help you get up and get moving!

Tuesday, 24 January 2012


Of course Delilah's first word would be Daddy, i only cook and clean and do everything for her.

 Don't get me wrong i am not scornful i had told myself to respect the fact her name starts with "D" so technically we encouraged her the whole time! (even me). I am however a little jealous of Mr Favorite, i wont lie. Every time he comes home from work no matter what mood she is in - she could be howling and screaming - and he comes in the room and her face lights up and she gives the biggest, gummiest, yummiest smile ever! I can't complain though i get to play with her all day.

Today she used my face as a teething ring and then took a little rest with her elbow in my eye socket, then subsequently started to blow bubbles (and by bubbles i mean expressing saliva everywhere)

So she is now almost 7 months old, what is happening in our world?

she is starting to crawl!
she has 2 teeth breaking through (poor baby)
she eats solids.. like a good mummy i make it for her
she speaks a lot and laughs even more
she does not appreciate a 7pm bed time
she LOVES swimming so much she kicks her legs before she is in
her naps aren't as long and frequent

the dishes still need to be done again and her toys away but she wakes up soon and i would prefer to play with her instead...